For a long time, asbestos was contained in patching fiber that was used to patch holes, gaps, and cracks on walls and ceilings. Asbestos is known as an excellent insulator as well as being fire-resistant, so for years it was used in manufacturing, construction, and industries like shipbuilding. It was readily available and added strength and durability to the patching material.

But unfortunately, asbestos is also very toxic. It is common knowledge now that it can cause lung cancer, asbestosis, and a deadly type of cancer called mesothelioma. These diseases all occur after exposure to asbestos, even for short periods of time. Asbestos fibers lodge in the lungs and other bodily tissues, causing serious damage that can cause cells to become malignant.

It should be pointed out that materials like patching fiber that contain asbestos are not dangerous as long as they remain in good condition and don’t become disturbed. When asbestos fibers get into the air that is when they becomes dangerous because these fibers can be inhaled. When asbestos containing products are intact, there is very little chance that the fibers can become airborne, so these products should not be removed except by professional abatement teams with the proper protective gear.


Mesothelioma Symptoms was founded by a team of advocates to educate people about this aggressive form of cancer. Mesothelioma affects thousands of people each year. We help give hope to those impacted by mesothelioma.

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