During a large part of the 20th century asbestos was widely used in many industries. Its properties such as durability, ability to insulate, and fire-resistance made it perfect for use in many products. It was used mostly in construction products including most types of insulation, even insulation jacketing. Insulating jackets are the small objects that resemble sheaths that cover valves and joints. They could be made of up to 80 percent asbestos.

We know today the asbestos is a very dangerous substance that can be the cause of a number of serious diseases for people who are exposed to any amount of asbestos. Since the 1970s, asbestos-containing products have been restricted. It was known as far back as the 1930s by come employers in construction facilities that asbestos was a health hazard, but their employees often did not become aware of the risks they faced until decades later.

The risk of being exposed at home is minimal as long as the insulating jacketing remains intact and undisturbed, but for those who worked in manufacturing of these products on in the construction business, the risk is much higher.  When  this jacketing is being manufactured, installed, or removed, particularly if it is worn or damaged, deadly fibers can be released into the air.  These workers may be at risk for lung scarring, asbestosis, or mesothelioma.


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